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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SD MI

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Sofa     : : “What fruit is it?”
Maula     : “It is a …..?”
a. Aple
b. Pineaple
c. Banana
d. Grapes

We not allowed to turn …
a. left
b. right
c. forward
d. around

I have ten ….
a. Nose
b. Finger
c. hair

My grandfather is … than my father.
a. Old
b. Older
c. Young
d. Younger

My father usually plants some trees. He likes ….
a. cooking
b. fishing
c. gardening
d. painting

A.     giraffe
B.     house
C.     door
D.     book

What part of the body is it ?

A. leg

B. head

C. hand

D. stomach

The taste (rasa) of Chili is sweet.



What will I … in Australia?

A. buying

B. buy

C. to buy

D. bought

The liquid matters are ….

A. (1) and (2)

B. (2) and (3)

C. (3) and (4)

D. (2) and (4)