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Latihan Soal Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 4

Preview Soal Acak Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 4

Mulai Latihan :

Raka : “ Do you like playing football?”
Bagus : “No, …….”
a. I do
b. I like too.
c. I does not
d. I do not

What is the number before six hundred and twenty?
a. Six hundred and ninteen
b. Six hundred and twelve
c. Six hundred and twenty nine
d. Six hundred and seventeen

I have 105 marbles.
105 in text is ….
a. One hundred and fifteen
b. One hundred and five
c. One hundred and fifty
d. One five hundred

A : … ?
B : “She is my sister”.
a. What is she
b. Who is she
c. Why is she
d. Where is she

This month is March, next month will be ….
a. April
b. May
c. August
d. January

A : Are you Andi ?
B : …
a. Yes, I am
b. No, I am
c. Yes, am I
d. Yes, I am not

Its colour is white. We use it for writing on the blackboard. It is ….
a. cupboard
b. table
c. pencil
d. chalk

Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ….
a. Tuesday
b. Friday
c. Holyday
d. Monday

We use brain for …
a. tasting
b. chewing
c. thinking
d. walking

How are you today?
In indonesian is ….
a. Siapa namamu?
b. Bagaiamana kabarmu hari ini?
c. Selamat pagi teman?
d. Apakah kegiatanmu hari ini?

Deni : “What is Andra’s hobby?
Rika : “Andra’s hobby is …..”
a. Reading  
b. Painting  
c. Fishing 
d. Dancing

My name is Nina. I am a student. I have a brother. His name is Rangga. He is a college student. He goes to campus by motorcycle. Rangga is a smart and good college student. He always goes to campus early. He also wants to be the best college student in his campus. I am very proud of him.

Rangga is Nina’s ….
a. son
c. father
b. brother
d. friend

Is this your pencil ?
a. No, it is not
b. Yes, you are
c. Yes, I am
d. Yes, it is not

Andi : “What is a vase made of?”
Budi : “It is made of ….”
a. paper
b. ceramics
c. wool
c. cotton

The number after fifty six is ….
a. fifty five
b. fifty seven
c. fifty eight
d. fifty nine

My name is Nina. I am a student. I have a brother. His name is Rangga. He is a college student. He goes to campus by motorcycle. Rangga is a smart and good college student. He always goes to campus early. He also wants to be the best college student in his campus. I am very proud of him.

He goes to the campus ….
a. on food
b. by motorcycle
c. by car
d. by bicycle

My mother is a nurse.
… works in a hospital
a. He
b. She
c. We
d. They

Anwar : “Look ! She is cute girl”.
Banu : “What is … name?”.
a. his
b. her
c. their
d. our

Saya punya pensil biru
The English sentence is ….
a. I have blue pencil
b. I have white pencil
c. I have red pencil
d. I have brown pencil

Santi : “ What number is it?”
Bayu : “ It is number ….”
a. Five hundred and three seven  
b. Fifty hundred and thirty seven 
c. FIve three seven
d. Five hundred and thirty seven

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