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Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap (UTS/MID) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 3

Preview Soal Acak Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap (UTS/MID) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 3

Mulai Latihan :

A …. is made of wood.
a. bookshelf
b. table
c. chair
d. cupboard

A : “Can you make fried noodles?”
B : “Yes, …. .”
a. I do
b. I can
c. I am
d. I can’t

Andi ingin minum susu. In English is ….
a. Andi wants to drink milk
b. Andi likes to drink milk
c. Andy will drink milk
d. Andi needs drink milk

It’s hanging on the wall. It is used to show the time. It is a ….
a. picture
b. lamp
c. curtain
d. clock

My sister makes …. juice.
a. orange
b. rice
c. fish
d. meat

It is a kind of fruit. Its colour is yellow. It is ….
a. coconut
b. banana
c. grape
d. avocado

We can see many fish in the ….
a. glass
b. aquarium
c. garden
c. vase

Dea wants to make fried rice. She needs ….
a. spoon
b. glass
c. bowl
d. frying pan

We need a …. to sit.
a. chair
b. table
c. blackboard
d. desk

Novi and Daina will have lunch in the ….
a. library
b. canteen
c. classroom
d. yard

The correct sentence is ….
a. Reno has a desk lamp new
b. Reno has new a desk lamp
c. Reno has a new desk lamp
d. Reno has desk a new lamp

Mother is boiling the water. She uses ….
a. plate
b. glass
c. napkin
d. stove

… is an example of fruit.
a. Spinach
b. Corn
c. Mango
d. Bean

Too much …. is not good for our teeth.
a. rice
b. fish
c. fruit
d. candy

My mother goes to the market to buy ….
a. pencil
b. television
c. vegetables
d. table

I put the …. on the floor to sit.
a. curtain
b. picture
c. carpet
d. napkin

I listen to the music from the ….
a. radio
b. newspaper
c. magazine
d. refrigerator

We have …. in the morning.
a. lunch
b. dinner
c. breakfast
d. eating

Mother wants to make up beauty. She needs a ….
a. glass
b. pan
c. mirror
d. chair

My aunt wants to make soup. She needs ….
a. fruit
b. chocolate
c. vegetables
d. rice

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