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Latihan Soal Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 2

Preview Soal Acak Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 2

Mulai Latihan :

R – S – A – H – K
The correct word is …
a. Sahkr
b. Shark
c. Sarhk

Fish in Indonesian is ….
a. Kerang
b. Buaya
c. Ikan

is – this – a – dolphin
The correct order is …
a. This a dolphin is
b. This is a dolphin
c. This dolphin is a

Roni has …. sharpeners.
a. twelve
b. fourteen
c. ten

I have …. book.
a. a
b. an
c. are

Apakah itu sebuah jeruk ?
The English sentence is …
a. Is that an orange
b. Is that a orange
c. Is that are orange

Bu Siska adalah ibu saya
The English sentence is …
a. Mrs. Siska is my mother
b. Mrs. Siska is my father
c. Mrs. Siska is my sister

Before going to school, to his Joni says good …. to his mother.
a. bye
b. evening
c. night

Dua puluh in English is ….
a. Twelve
b. Two
c. Twenty

Hello, friends! My name is Dito
I have pets.
They are eleven rabbits.
My rabbits are very funny
They like to eat carrot.

Dito has …. rabbits.
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12

Tito sits on the ….

a. floor
b. roof
c. chair

Before sleeping, Bobi says good …. to his mother.
a. night
b. morning
c. evening

sister – my – nadine – is
The correct order is ….
a. Sister Nadine is my
b. Nadine is my sister
c. Nadine my sister is

Hello, friends !
I am Viona
My hobby is cooking.
I like traditional recipes
My favourite is combro

Viona likes …, recipes.
a. old
b. modern
c. traditional

Rina suka warna biru
The english sentence is …
a. Rina like blue
b. Rina like red
c. Rina like black

Andi : “How are you?”
Sinta : “ …. “
a. I am Sinta
b. I am fine
c. My nama is Sinta

Doni likes music. His hobby is ….
a. fishing
b. swimming
c. singing

Bayu is …. now.
a. singing
b. eating
c. reading

Dina is a clever student. She always studies at home
She studies at 07.00 p.m. After study, she goes to bed.
Before going to bed, she says good night to her parents.


Dina …. before going to bed
a studies
b. watches TV
c. have dinner

Hello, friends! My name is Dito
I have pets.
They are eleven rabbits.
My rabbits are very funny
They like to eat carrot.

The rabbits like to eat ….
a. meat
b. grains
c. carrot

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