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Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (UTS/MID) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6

Preview Soal Acak Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (UTS/MID) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6

Mulai Latihan :

It is a ….

   a. T-junction
   b. crossroad
   c. zebra cross
   d. traffic light

Pilot is a person who drives …
a. train
b. car
c. plane
d. pedicap

Driver is a person who drives ….
a. train
b. car
c. plane
d. pedicap

She always becomes the number one in my class because she is …
a. clever
b. beautiful
c. stupid
d. kind

Mr. Arman has much money. He is a …
a. handsome man
b. rich man
c. cute man
d. poor man

It is raining. I need ….
a. jacket
b. hat
c. shirt
d. umbrella

We are not allowed to turn ….

  a. left
  b. right
  c. forward
  d. around

Can you show me … the art centre is located ?
a. what
b. who
c. where
d. when

My aunt usually goes … in the market.
a. fishing
b. rafting
c. camping
d. shopping

Dona : “… does this T-shirt cost”?
Harun : “It costs one hundred thousand rupiahs”.
a. How many
b. How much
c. What
d. How

Tania always gets the first rank in her class. She is the … student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

Ema is 135 cm. Mia is 140 cm. So, Mia is …. than Ema
a. tall
b. long
c. taller
d. beautiful

I want to go swimming. I need …
a. tent
b. rope
c. swimsuit
d. shoes

If we want to see many animals, we can visit ….
a. zoo
b. beach
c. park
d. temple

Andika is … the window.

a. beside
b. in front of
c. behind
d. between

Linda always gets the first rank in the class. She is the … student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

It can protect our body from cold water. It is …
a. jacket
b. hat
c. shirt
d. bag

Eko is … than Ari.

a. taller
b. longer
c. shorter
d. fatter

Train is …. than bus.
a. fast
b. slow
c. faster
d. slower

Tantry : “What do you usually do on Sunday, Dewi?”
Dewi : “I usually read books. How about you?”
Tantry : “I usually watch TV.”
Dewi usually … on Sunday.
a. reads books
b. gardening
c. singing
d. dancing

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