Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal SMP / MTs (Acak)
Perhatikan daftar kebutuhan Burhan berikut
1) membeli buku tulis seharga Rp5.000
2) membeli coklat seharga Rp6.000
3) tugas kerajinan seharga Rp4.000
4) biaya servis sepeda seharga Rp10.000
Jika Burhan memiliki uang sebesar Rp25.000 rencana pengeluaran uang yang baik dilakukan dengan urutan ..
A. 1) membeli buku tulis, 2) tugas kerajinan, 3) membeli coklat, 4) biaya servis sepeda
B. 1) biaya servis sepeda, 2) membeli buku tulis, 3) tugas kerajinan, 4) membeli coklat
C. 1) tugas kerajinan, 2) membeli buku tulis, 3) biaya servis sepeda , 4) membeli coklat
D. 1) membeli coklat, 2) membeli buku tulis, 3) biaya servis sepeda, 4) tugas kerajinan
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Preview soal lainnya: Bahasa Inggris Bab 3 - SMP Kelas 8
Hil My name is Lina. I want to describe briefly a building I have visited recently. The most incredible thing about the building is the shape. It’s in the shape of a giant turtle. I loved the shape of the building. It’s so realistic. To enter the building, visitors had to pay Rp. 17,500 for adults and Rp. 12,500 for children. Inside the building, we were able to enjoy facilities, such as a giant aquarium with sharks, turtles and various fish in it, educational games, and a 3-dimensions film booth. I also liked the aquarium; the fish inside the aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I didn’t like the educational game section because almost all the games didn’t work. The officer in the room was not helpful at all. He just sat in his chair and did nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there was a “No Smoking” sign in the area.
The officer . . . the visitors.
A. must stay
B. should help
C. must not come
D. should not invite
Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- Rantai Makanan - IPA SD Kelas 5
- Remidial Seni Budaya SMP Kelas 9
- Keragaman Sosial dan Budaya di Indonesia - PPKn SD Kelas 5
- PAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Ganjil SMP Kelas 8
- OTK Keuangan SMK Kelas 12
- Geografi Semester 2 Genap SMA Kelas 11
- Seni Budaya Tema 7 SD Kelas 5
- PAT Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 7
- Konsep Ilmu Ekonomi - SMA Kelas 10
- PTS Semester 1 Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6