Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori: Semua Soal SMP Bahasa Inggris (Acak)

★ TPM Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

The following dialog is for questions

Randy : Hi, where is Vika? You usually spend break time with her.

Sofia : Yes, but not this time

Randy : What do you mean?

Sofia : Several days ago we had different views about a matter. We had a debate because each of us insisted that we were right.

Randy : O,gosh!

Sofia : What I didn’t like is that she uploaded the matter on her social media. I wondered why she didn’t try to solve the problem together, instead of writing on social media.

When does the dialog take place?….

A. After school.

B. During the break

C. Before the class

D. When the bell rang.

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Kamu menjawab : a | duh, jawaban kamu salah :(

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Preview soal lainnya: UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

Can you hear what he is …?

A. saying

B. speaking

C. telling

Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.

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