Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori: Semua Soal SMP Bahasa Inggris (Acak)
She knows the road ____________ .
A. good
B. well
C. goodly
D. fine
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Preview soal lainnya: Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTs Kelas 9
The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now rare and is one of the animals which are in danger of extinction. Some people like to hunt them for getting its skin and sell it to create some interior accessories at home.
The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground.
This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to stay in and near trees to catch their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.
“It can run 100 km an hour.” The word it refers to ….
A. The Animal
B. The Leopard
C. The Cat
D. The Cheetah
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Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.
Tips : Jika halaman ini selalu menampilkan soal yang sama secara beruntun, maka pastikan kamu mengoreksi soal terlebih dahulu dengan menekan tombol "Koreksi" diatas.