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SMP Kelas 7 / Jam - Bahasa Arab MTs Kelas 7

Bahasa Arab dari Jam Tangan adalah….
A. السَّاعَةُ اليَدَوِيَّةُ
B. السَّاعَةُ الحَائِطُ
C. السَّاعَةُ البَيْتُ
D. السَّاعَةُ البَدَنِيَّةُ

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Grammar › Lihat soal

I do have one question in most families there are more children than the parent/parents in this case how would you accomadate the family?How would you re-write this sentence?

A. I do have one question, in families that have more children than parents, how would you accomadate the family?
B. I do have one question: “In most families there are more children than parents. In this case how would you accomodate the family?”
C. In most families there are more children than the parents in this case how would you accomadate the family?
D. How you would accommodate families that have more children than parents?

Hukum Tajwid - PAI SD Kelas 6 › Lihat soal

Berikut ini merupakan huruf idghom bilaghunnah … .

A. ي

B. ر

C. و

D. ب

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