Congratulations on your success in winning the speech contest this year. it was avery tough competition. We are so proud of you.
We knew you would make it.We wish you the best always.
Students of VIII D
What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To congratulate someone on his birthday
B. To congratulate someone on his success
C. To inform someone that he was the winner
D. To describe someone’s success in the contest

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #39149 : PTS 1 Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9Tom : So, how long has it been since the first competition of your football team?
Jack : It’s been 3 months since then.
Tom : So, how many awards have been saved this far?
Jack : Thank God. Many people seem to be very happy.
Tom : Splendid! ….
Jack : Thank you very much, Mr. Tom. It’s very kind of you to say so.
Tom : Keep the good work, Jack. I am sure you could be a better captain in a football team someday.
The best expression to complete the dialogue above is.…
A. I very agree on your idea
B. I’d like to congratulate you on the success of your team recently
C. We are so happy
D. Please give us your opinion
› Soal #88055 : IPA Semester 1 Ganjil SMP Kelas 7
Satuan- satuan berikut yang termasuk satuan tidak baku adalah ….
A. depa, jengkal, hasta
B. sentimeter, sekon, jengkal
C. kaki, gram, kelvin
D. kilogram, mol, depa
› Soal #137701 : Ulangan PPKn 1 SMP Kelas 8sejarah yang perkembangan dengan budaya demokrasi pad Indonesia ditinjau dalam waktu dan tahun 1959-1966 disebut.
A. periode demokrasi liberal
B. masa demokrasi terpimpin
C. periode demokrasi Pancasila
D. periode demokrasi parlementer
› Soal #109530 : PTS Sejarah Semester 1 Ganjil SMA Kelas 11
Nama lain dari Thomas Matulessy adalah…
A. Pangeran Diponegoro
B. Kapitan Pattimura
C. Tuanku Imam Bonjol
D. Teuku Umar
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- Penjas PJOK Bab 1, 2, 3 SMP Kelas 8
- PAI SD Kelas 5
- PTS Ekonomi SMA Kelas 12
- UTS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4
- Majas - Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 9
- Bahasa Jawa SD Kelas 2
- Adab Bersin dan Menguap - Aqidah Akhlak MI Kelas 2
- Bahasa Indonesia Tema 3 SD Kelas 5
- Al-Quran Hadits MI Kelas 4
- Listrik Statis - IPA SMP Kelas 9