Latihan Soal Online - SD - SMP - SMA
Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SMA Kelas 12 / Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA 2015/2016

man: there would be an english speech delivered by students during the flag ceremony next monday
woman: really?
man: absolutely, what do you think?

what is the best response to the man question?

a. i believe it can improve the student english skill
b. i assume the flag ceremony is important
c. i like english speeches and raising flag
d. i think i can communicate in english

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Soal #93672 : Ulangan Perilaku Terpuji - PAI SD Kelas 4

Dibawah ini contoh perilaku tercela yang menyebabkan tertular penyakit covid 19 kecuali….

A. bergantian pakaian olahraga dengan teman

B. mencuci tangan dengan sabun

C. membuang ludah sembarangan

D. bepergian tanpa menggunakan masker

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Kegiatan tanya jawab antara penanya dan pemberi informasi ( narasumber) disebut …………

A. pengamatan

B. wawancara

C. demontrasi

D. penelitian

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