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Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 › Lihat soal

What Young Published Women are Thinking Saying and Going

(By: Sherry’s Handle and blue jean Press)

It’s wonderful inspirations book on young women’s issues. The topics covered are s varied starting from how to boots self-confindence and selfimage, to struggle, and to get succes. A colections of essays articles, and stories taken from a magazine by, from, and for young woman called blue jean. This book is so worthy to be read because it inspires yyoung women to be outspoken, independent and self-suistenable. Considering that the pop culture has promoted unrealistic and artificial lifestyle which young women are often victims, this book is a worthwhile alterative.
What is the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade the readers to buy the book

B. To inform the readers about the book

C. To explain the process involved in the making of the book

D. To retell the events in the book

E. To evaluae the book

Pengetahuan Umum › Lihat soal

ASEAN berdiri pada tanggal …

A. 8 Desember

B. 8 Maret

C. 8 Agustus

D. 8 November

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