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Semua Soal (Acak) : SMA Kelas 12 / Hormon Tumbuhan - Biologi SMA Kelas 12

Pemanfaatan hormon tanaman adalah seperti berikut, kecuali …

A. hormon mengontrol pemasakan buah

B. hormon merangsang pertumbuhan akar yang dipotong

C. hormon menumbuhkan tanaman ke arah cahaya

D. hormon menumbuhkan buah-buahan tanpa biji

E. hormon membunuh rumput liar

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12

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Soal #30698 : Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap MID UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus. When arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my friend didn’t. He went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but went I came out again the bus was not there. It had gone! Shocked and confused. I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! Got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the looked at me. I could feel my face turned red.

I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside. “I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed.


What did the story tell us about?
a. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung
b. The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit his relatives
c. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
d. the writer got off the bus to get a cup a coffee
e. The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Bandung

Soal #44126 : PTS Semester 1 Ganjil IPS SMP Kelas 9

Berdasarkan peta kualitas penduduk dunia ini, Benua dan negara yang dengan IPM sangat tinggi adalah

A. Amerika

B. Asia

C. Australia

D. Eropa

Soal #48988 : Kecepatan, Debit, dan Perbandingan - Matematika SD Kelas 5

Ada seorang murid anak kelas V SD Bandar Lampung terdiri dari 18 murid laki-laki dan 24 murid perempuan. Maka berapa perbandingan murid perempuan dan laki-laki tersebut ….

A. 02:03

B. 03:04

C. 04:03

D. 09:12

Soal #46775 : IPS Tema 3 SD Kelas 5 KD 3.2

Ketika pemerintah memajukan pariwisata suatu daerah, masyarakat sekitar juga mendapat keuntungan karena….

A. bisa saja mereka bertemu dengan artis terkenal

B. mereka bisa mengganggu wisatawan di sana

C. mereka bisa menjual cindera mata atau menawarkan jasa sebagai pemandu wisata

D. mereka bisa mencurangi wisatawan dengan menjual tiket lebih mahal

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