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Latihan Soal Online

Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

It has beautiful … .

a. body

b. fur

c. feather

d. hair


Budi : Dina, I hear you are the winner of MIPA competition.

Dina : Sure.

Budi : … .

Dina: Thank you, Budi.

a. How happy you are

b. It doesn’t make me sad

c. I am deeply sorry to hear that

d. Congratulations


Jane : I get stomachache after eating a lot of chili.

Gian : … I hope you will get better soon

a. I am happy to hear that

b. I am sorry to hear that

c. Thank you

d. Don’t mention it


Does Susanti feel excited to be at the school soon?

a. No, she doesn’t

b. No, she isn’t

c. Yes, she does

d. Yes, she is


How to Make a Cup of Hot Choco

First, boil the water in kettle.

Next, put some chocolate powder and sugar into the cup

Then, pour hot water into the cup. Mix it well

Finally, add some cream on the top and your hot choco is ready to drink.


What is the purpose of the text above? … .

a. tell how to make chocolate

b. tell how to make a cup of hot coffee

c. tell how to make a cup of hot choco

d. tell how to make a cup of hot choco Latte


Sophia is an elementary student of SDI Permata Hati. She is fifth grader. She is tall and beautiful. She loves pink and green. Her favorite food is hot meatball. She wants to be a chef someday.

She is helping her mother cooking now. She likes cutting vegetables and preparing the dishes. Her skill is quite good on cutting and serving food.


What will Sophia be someday?

a. A teacher

b. A waitress

c. A doctor

d. A chef


What does he look like? … . He has …

a. short hair, long face and slanted eyes

b. short leg, small eyes, and oval face

c. short hair, round face, and small eyes

d. short hair, oval face, and small eyes


Sophia is an elementary student of SDI Permata Hati. She is fifth grader. She is tall and beautiful. She loves pink and green. Her favorite food is hot meatball. She wants to be a chef someday.

She is helping her mother cooking now. She likes cutting vegetables and preparing the dishes. Her skill is quite good on cutting and serving food.


What grade is Sophia?

a. She is 3rd grader

b. She is 4th grader

c. She is 5th grader

d. She is 6th grader


How to Make a Cup of Hot Choco

First, boil the water in kettle.

Next, put some chocolate powder and sugar into the cup

Then, pour hot water into the cup. Mix it well

Finally, add some cream on the top and your hot choco is ready to drink.


What should we do after we pour hot water?

a. add some cream

b. mix it well

c. put some sugar

d. boil water


Who is the sender of the letter above?

a. Jihan

b. Susanti

c. Mei

d. Dear



Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

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Soal #60137 : Kekongruenan dan Kesebangunan - Matematika SMP Kelas 9

Sebuah foto berukuran alas 16 cm dan tinggi 24 cm ditempel pada sebuah karton berbentuk persegi panjang. Jika foto dan karton sebangun dan lebar karton di sebelah kiri, kanan, dan atas foto 2 cm, lebar karton di bagian bawah foto adalah ⋯⋅ cm

A. 2

B. 3

C. 6

D. 4

Soal #83527 : Kuis Bahasa Jepang

Dalam romaji ini adalah

A. Ta

B. Tsu

C. Ka

D. To

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