Latihan Soal Online

Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2013/2014

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2013/2014 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

The manly tells us abot ….

A. The story of the first banana

B. The young man’s dream

C. Maria’s love story

D.Maria’s marriage


What happened with the man afther the flash?

A. died

B. disappeared

C. ran to his house

D. hid behind a tree


What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The young man proposed to Maria

B. Maria was a spirit from the sky

C. The yooung man was not a human

D. Maria didn’t want to marry the young man


From the story, we can learn that you ….

A. should get to know your friend well

B. should not trus strangers completely

C. should not marry other creatures

D. should never tell the truth


What is the best title for teks above?

A. Tribes in Kalimantan

B. Kaharingan belief

C. Tiwah ceremony

D. Dayak tribes


What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The ceremony requiest a lot of money

B. The beheading traditionis no longer used in the ceremony

C. There is a special fund provided for this ceremony

D. Coconut is an important symbol in the offering


Where jois this tradition come from?

A. Central Kalimantan

B. Salumpuk Liau

C. Kaharingan

D. Lewu Liai


Why is ceremony still held until the present time?

A. To deliver the deceased soul

B. To untie the widow status

C. To discharge misfortune

D. To honour the ancestors


What is the purpose of the text?

A. To talk about Dayak ethnic group

B. To describe a certain tribe in Kalimantan

C. To report a ritual ceremony of Kaharingan belief

D. To retell about a group of tribes in Central Kalimantan


What’s the benefit of consuming NetraBurst?

A. Increase appetite

B. Decrease energy

C. Promote fat loss

D. Promote helthy hair
