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Latihan Soal Online

PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Ganjil SMA Kelas 11

Latihan soal pilihan ganda PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Ganjil SMA Kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:


Caller: I would like to speak to the sales manager please.
A. Hello, who’s calling

B. Hello, my name is Eva

C. Hello, may I talk to sales manager please

D. Hello, can I help you?

E. Hi everyone


Caller : ……………………….. may I speak to Mr. Rudi?

Receptionist : I’m sorry Mr. Rudy has just left his office ten minutes ago.
A. Hi everyone

B. Hello, Rudy’s company

C. Hello, my name is Rizky

D. Hello, who’s speaking

E. Hello, who are you?


…. children should be taught from an early age to be independent and responsible.

A. In my opinion

B. They want to learn

C. You can’t believe

D. He totally understands

E. Do you think that


Drue: May I know what do you think of my short story?

Julia: It’s a good story, but I suggest changing the title with an interesting title.

Drue: Nice opinion. Thanks, Julia.

Julia: Anytime, Drue!

From the dialogue above between Julia and Drue, Julia is…

A. Giving order

B. Asking for an opinion

C. Asking for attention

D. Giving an opinion

E. Giving hands


Caller: Hello, I’m Evelyn. May I speak to Edward please?

Receptionist: I’m sorry I don’t catch your name, …………….?

Caller: It’s E-V-E-L-Y-N.

A. Who am I talking to

B. Who are you

C. Can you spell your name

D. Can I write your message

E. Can you hold the line


Abu: What shall I do today?

Boy: ………….we go to the library.
A. Shall I

B. Let’s

C. Why don’t

D. Would you

E. How about


Oliver: Hello, good morning. I am Oliver from Queen corporation. I would like to speak to the HRD Manager please.

Ross: The HRD Manager is not at the office this time, ………………..

Oliver: Please tell him to call me back.

A. Can you wait a moment?

B. Can you hold the line?

C. Can you call me back?

D. Can I write your message?

E. Please wait a minutes


Jake: Rose, what do you think of my chocolate cake?

Rose: It’s so delicious! I really love this cake!

Jake: I’m so pleased

In the dialogue, Jake is….

A. Giving advice

B. Asking for an opinion

C. Requesting for gift

D. Giving baker cake

E. Asking for help


Liana: Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. And what do you think about the inspiring film of Kartini?

Bram: I think…………………….
A. Thank you, Kartini

B. You forget Kartini’s day

C. I can’t hear you call Kartini

D. I love Kartini’s film it’s so inspiring me

E. Let’s go


Anida : I heard that you didn’t past the test. That’s too bad. I’ve told you not to waste your time playing online game.

Diana : I will listen you next time.

It can be concluded from the dialogue that Anida expresses her…

A. Displeasure

B. Satisfaction

C. Suggestion

D. Happiness

E. Doubt



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Preview Soal Lainnya:

Soal #151853 : PPKn SMP Kelas 7

Salah satu contoh sikap menghargai keragaman suku bangsa di Indonesia adalah…

A. hanya mau membantu saudara

B. menghargai pendapat diri sendiri

C. sangat bangga terhadap kebudayaan daerahnya

D. menghormati suku lain yang sedang melaksanakan upacara adat

Soal #144558 : PTS Bahasa Arab MTs Kelas 8 Semester Ganjil

“Berapa jam…….”

Bahasa arab dari kata diatas adalah?

A. كَمِ السَّاعَة

B. ٍكَم سَاعَة

C. فِي أََيِّ سَاعَةُ

D. السَاعَةُ

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