Latihan Soal Online

PH 1 Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6

Latihan 16 soal pilihan ganda PH 1 Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Arin. . . to the library by car

A. go

B. goes

C. buy

D. buys


Aksara: How many cars are there?

Sharfina: There are. . . cars in the garage
A. five

B. six

C. seven

D. eight


The children play sand at the . . .

A. station

B. beach

C. airport

D. garage


There is a ship in the. . .

A. airport

B. harbour

C. hangar

D. terminal


The following are transportations on water, except. . .(kecuali)

A. Air marine

B. boat

C. raft

D. car


Would rather digunakan untuk mengungkapkan. . .

A. keinginan

B. kesukaan

C. pilihan

D. kebaikan


like – you – Would – to – a – take – raft – ?

The best arrangement is . . .
A. Would you like to take a raft?

B. Would you like to take a car?

C. raft take a would like you to?

D. take a car would to you like?


A bus is . . .

A. an air transportation

B. can fly in the sky

C. can be used under water

D. has more than two wheels


Sinta’s bike is broken. The word broken in bahasa indonesia is . . .

A. bagus

B. rusak

C. jelek

D. hadiah


The planes stop in the . . .

A. Hangar

B. Station

C. Harbour

D. Airport
