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Latihan Soal Online

PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4

Latihan soal pilihan ganda PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

July is the . . . month of the year. *

A. twelfth

B. third

C. seventh

D. eighth


The best place for surfing is . . . . *

A. city

B. beach

C. park

D. mountain


The second month of the year is . . . . *

A. February

B. December

C. August

D. January


the year nineteen ninety eight in number is . . . . *

A. 1998

B. 9098

C. 2098

D. 1918


This is Toba . . . , the largest in Indonesia. *

A. river

B. lake

C. mountain

D. park


Nia: “Let’s go shopping in the mall.”

Andi: “I am . . ., I prefer relaxing in the park.” *

A. sorry

B. okay

C. let’s go

D. fine


We can go . . . in the mall. *

A. camping

B. hiking

C. shopping

D. sightseeing


What . . . is it today? It is June the third. *

A. week

B. date

C. year

D. month


Every year, On the 2nd of May, we celebrate . . . . *

A. christmas

B. Mr. Chandra’s birthday

C. National Education Day

D. Independence Day


What date is it today? It is March the . . . .

A. twentieth nine.

B. twenty ninth.

C. twenty nine.

D. twentieth ninth



Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

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Cara menggiring bola yang dibenarkan dalam basket adalah melakukan dengan….
a. satu tangan
b. dua tangan
c. tangan kiri
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Hasil dari 17 × 64 : 8 adalah …

A. 156

B. 146

C. 136

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