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Latihan Soal Online

MID Semester Bahasa Inggris MA Kelas 11

Latihan soal pilihan ganda MID Semester Bahasa Inggris MA Kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

“Admiration” means….

A. Kesayangan

B. Kedukaan

C. Kebahagiaan

D. Kekaguman

E. Kepercayaan


Shopper : Excuse me, sir. Do you have any kinds of apple?

Shopkeeper : Yes, we do. It’s fuji apple, those are Malang apples, apple from Madiun, apple from China, and this is an American one. Which one do you like?

Shopper : Lemme buy three kilograms of Malang apples. It sounds yummy

Shopkeeper : Fantastic! I’ll wrap it. How about the snakefruit? And this dragonfruit. It’s new arrival this morning. Fresh and sweet, miss!

Shopper : No,thanks. I only like this apple. How much?

Shopkeeper : This is your prescription. You may come to the cashier over there

Shopper : Okay. Thanks

Shopkeeper : Come back later on

From the dialogue, which statement is TRUE …

A. shopper buys many kinds of fruit there

B. shopper buys three miligrams of apple

C. shopkeeper didn’t offer other fruits to the shopper

D. shopkeeper serves the shopper well and friendly


“Change money” means …

A. uang untuk membeli

B. uang kembalian

C. uang gelap

D. uang mainan


Safit : Who did this for us?

Subih : I don’t truly know

Safit : Our class is very clean and tidy. The chairs are well-arranged. The floors are shining this morning, and the board welcomes us happily. I like it!!

Subih : Yes, it is. I guess someone with full of affection did it for our class

Safit : But who??? It’s not me

Subih : No matter what, who she or he is. I think he or she is the kindest person. What a kindest person!!!

Safit : Yes. May Allah bless her or him

From the dialogue, Safit ….

A. cleaned the classroom

B. thinks that the person is rude

C. thinks the classroom messy, and the chairs are broken

D. amazes her clean classroom with person who did it


Olanda : Are you feeling sick?

Tartila : Yes, I’m little bit cold

Olanda : Look over there! Is it Aris???

Tartila : Where is that?? Oh my God, he looks cute with that hoodie. How a perfect boy!

Olanda : Arghhh…it means that you’re not sick today. You’re fooling me!!

From the dialogue, the expression of “showing admiration” is ….

A. are you feeling sick?

B. yes, I’m cold

C. how a perfect boy!!

D. you’re fooling me!!


The best admiration expression for this thing, is ….

A. what a sweet dessert!!

B. how dirty the snacks are!!

C. what a yummy snack!!

D. how pale is it!!


The best admiration is …

A. how funny is it!!

B. how oily is it!!

C. how soft is it!!

D. how dangerous is it!!


Below are expressions of “showing admiration” , EXCEPT …..

A. wow!!

B. that’s amazing!

C. you’re welcome

D. how beautiful she is!

E. what a dazzling place!


“Trolley” means …

A. kereta dorong belanjaan

B. keranjang belanjaan

C. mesin kasir

D. uang kembalian


“Price Tag” means …

A. daftar belanja

B. label harga

C. kualitas produk

D. potongan harga



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B. menggunakan barang yang lagi trend

C. memilih barang yang mahal saja

D. menanamkan pola hidup sederhana

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