Diperhatikan lingkaran dengan pusat di titik O. Jika diketahui ∠ABD+∠AOD+∠ACD=140° maka besar∠ABD=…
A. 30°
B. 35°
C. 40°
D. 45°
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Preview soal lainnya: Bahasa Inggris Bab 3 - SMP Kelas 8
Linda is a new student. She is reading the class rules and talking about them with her classmate.
Class Rules:
o Listen when others are talking.
o Follow directions.
o Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
o Work quietly and do not disturb others.
o Show respect for school and personal property.
o Work and play in a safe manner.
Linda : May we play in the playground?
Nyoman : Yes. We can play in the playground, but ….
A. we must be quiet
B. we should play hard
C. we must play safely
D. we must not play with our friends
Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.
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