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★ Ujian Semester Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9

Count on Me

Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,

I’ll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see,

I’ll be the light to guide you

Find out what we’re made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one two three

I’ll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two

You’ll be there

‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Whoa, whoa

Oh, oh

Yeah, yeah

If you tossin’ and you’re turnin’ and you just can’t fall asleep

I’ll sing a song

Beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Everyday I will

Remind you

The word ‘COUNT’ in “count on me” has similar in meaning to ……….

A. trust

B. anticipate

C. rely

D. help

E. think

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Kamu menjawab : b | duh, jawaban kamu salah :(

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Preview soal lainnya: PTS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9

Read the following text to answer questions!

Crispy Hash Brown Recipe


3 tbsp olive oil, canola oil, or grape seed oil 1 lb Russel

backing potatoes, peeled and grated, salt and pepper.


1. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium


2. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the

grated potatoes. It’s easier to do this with potatoes

ricer. If you don’t have it, you can use paper towel to

squeeze it.

3. Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying pan, spread

them out along the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle-some

salt and pepper on the potatoes. If they have been

fried to golden brown, they are ready for a flip.

Continue to cook until they are golden brown on the

bottom. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4


10. “If you don’t have it ….” (step 2).

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. frying pan

B. potatoes ricer

C. paper towel

D. serving plate

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