Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori: Semua Soal SMP Bahasa Inggris (Acak)
Diana: Look! It’s snowing.
Anggi: So beautiful. This is the first time I have ever seen snow. It _____________ (snow,not) in my country.
A. are not snowing
B. am not snowing
C. was not snowing
D. is not snowing
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Preview soal lainnya: PTS 1 Ganjil Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9
Congratulation, graduate!
We knew you you could do it. We are so proud of you, Jihan.
Mom and Dad
Why did the writer say that they were so proud of Jihan?
A. Because of Her failed
B. Because of her graduation
C. Because the writers love her so much
D. Because they want to hold graduation party
Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.
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