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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP MTs

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“See you later” in Indonesia means…

A. Selamat datang

B. Selamat siang

C. Selamat pagi

D. Sampai jumpa lagi

The film … at 20.30.

A. begin

B. begins

C. began

What a greeting card is it? It is ….

A. a congratulation card

B. a new born baby

C. a wedding

D. a motivation

Complete the following dialogue!

Rahman: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.

Tia: …

A. Me too

B. I should be nice

C. I am fine

D. How do you do? Nice to meet you too.

Ronaldo :”I have been chosen as the captain football team.”
Messy : ” ……………… .”
a. Thank you
b. That’s great
c. Congratulation
d. Are you sure

Lana : What do you think of our new English teacher?
Leni : …………………………
A. We have a new English teacher
B. She is very patient
C. What’s her name
D. You lie

You need a pen to write, but you forget to bring it. What will you say to your friend?

A. Please, open the book

B. Please, lend me your pen

C. Open the window, please

D. Don’t go with me, please

from the massage we can conclude that …

A. all of the boys have the sama hobbies

B. they will go to the village by car

C. bith Dimas and too Akmal’s best friends

D. they always spend their weekwnd together

A : I have a headache

B : …………….
A. Don’t be late to go to movie

B. Go to school on time

C. See a doctor

D. I can’t help you, I have to go

I . . . . two pencils so you can borrow one.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. has been