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Latihan Soal Online - Latihan Soal SD - Latihan Soal SMP - Latihan Soal SMA | Kategori: Semua Soal SMA Bahasa Inggris (Acak)

★ Ujian Semester 2 (UAS / UKK) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11

was(1)–lived(2)–Aesop(3)–hundreds(4)–ago(5)–teller(6)–story(7)–who(8)–Greece(9)–of years(10)–a famous(11)–in(12)

a. 3-1-11-6-7-8-2-12-9-4-10-5
b. 3-1-11-8-6-7-2-12-9-4-10-5
c. 3-2-11-7-6-8-1-12-9-4-10-5
d. 3-1-12-7-6-8-2-11-9-4-10-5
e. 3-1-11-7-6-8-2-12-9-4-10-5

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Latihan Soal SD Kelas 1Latihan Soal SD Kelas 2Latihan Soal SD Kelas 3Latihan Soal SD Kelas 4Latihan Soal SD Kelas 5Latihan Soal SD Kelas 6Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 7Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 8Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 9Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 10Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 11Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 12

Preview soal lainnya: Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap MID UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10

The hunters were after Freddie the fox. He flew across the fields in terror, until he saw a wood-cutter returning from woods. “Please help me!” Freddie gasped. “Go and hide in my hut there,” replied the wood-cutter. Freddie looked out of the hut. He saw the hunters stop and ask the woodsman if they had seen a fox.

“No,” said the tree-cutter loud enough for Freddie to hear, but as he spoke he pointed his finger towards the hut.

Luckily for Freddie, the hunters didn’t notice this and rode away. The fox slipped out of the hut to run home. “Aren’t you even going to say thank you to me for saving you?” Asked the wood-cutter as Freddie went past him. “I would have done,” replied Freddie. “but I saw how you tried to betray me.”

Who chased after Freddie?
a. The wood-cutter
b. The lion
c. The other fox
d. The tree-cutter
e. The hunters

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