Latihan Soal Online

UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester Ganjil

Latihan 35 soal pilihan ganda UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester Ganjil dan kunci jawaban.

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The underlined sentence expresses…….

A. Giving attention

B. Giving opinion

C. Asking for help

D. Asking for attention


Diana : …….

Tika : what?

Diana : I won the speech contest

Tika : Congratulations!

The best answer to complete the dialog is…..

A. it’s really bad news

B. do you follow me?

C. i’ve got news for you

D. how do you know?


“Kita Harus datang tepat waktu saat upacara bendera”

How do you translate In english?

A. We can on time to the flag ceremony

B. we should come on time to the flag ceremony

C. you should come on time to the flag ceremony

D. they should on tiime to the flag ceremony


Dayu : The meal is not delicious. Is that how you say it?

Siti : I don’t think so. It’s nice

What does dayu say in the dialog?

A. Checking understanding

B. Asking for attention

C. Asking for opinion

D. Appreciating works


__________ It’s better for kids to play outdoor than play with their gadget.

A. In my opinion

B. I understand

C. I don’t think that…

D. What is your opinion?


Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please?

Students : Yes, Ma’am

What is the teacher doing?

A. asking for opinion

B. asking for attention

C. appreciating works

D. checking understanding


What is the meaning of “Attention” in Bahasa Indonesia?

A. Perdamaian

B. Perlakuan

C. Hukuman

D. Perhatian


What kind of expression is this: “Attention please?”

A. giving attention

B. asking for attention

C. giving prohibition

D. giving suggestion


Bagaimana kamu mengartikan kalimat ” You Should Listen to more English Songs”

A. saya harus banyak bernyayi dengan bahasa inggris

B. kamu harus banyak mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris

C. kamu harus banyak berbicara dengan bahasa inggris

D. kamu harus banyak menulis dengan bahasa Inggris


We must not write or draw anything on the desks and on the walls.

A. kita tidak boleh meletakkan sampah sembarangan

B. kita tidak boleh merusak fasilitas sekolah

C. kita tidak seharusnya menulis atau menggambar sesuatu di meja dan di dinding

D. kita harus mencoret meja dan dinding
