Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9 / Soal no. 22 dari 25

PT Semesta Madani, a fast growing company in retail looking for highly dynamic and qualified people to fulfill in position of: Store Manager (STO), Service Manager (SEM), Sales Executive (SAE), Adm Marketing Crm (ADM) and IT Programmer (ITP)
➢ F/M, 35yrs, preferably with 5 yrs experience in retail sales, strong managerial and communication skills (STO)
➢ Male, S1 electronic technique, max 35 yrs, min 3 years experience in same field (SEM)
➢ Keep track of and clients feedback on how they view our service (SEM)
➢ M/F min D3 proven sales/Mkt, innovative sales strategic and result oriented (SAE)
➢ Develop and acquire new potential costumers & identity client needs/feedback (SAE)
➢ Female, D3, 28 yrs, familiar with Microsoft Dynamic CRM, IT literate (ADM)
➢ M/F S1, proficiency with query, CSS3, HTML5, Java script, visual studio (ITP)
➢ Motivating, organizing & encouraging team work within the work force to ensure set productivity target are met (all)
Interested candidates are invited to send application, qualification, experience and salaries expected
by e-mail in one week to:
PT Semesta Madani, TridaraEkajaka Building 13th Fl, Jakarta Pusat
Which of the following facts is not correct?
a. PT Semesta Madani is a growing retail company.
b. Only women can apply for Adm Marketing Crm
c. Position of Store Manager requires 3 years experience
d. The application must be sent by e-mail

Pilih jawaban kamu:

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Preview soal lainnya:

Soal #158830
Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me chhose the right loan i ineed
Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house

What is the topic of the conversation?

a. asking for help
b. giving opinion
c. giving direction
d. expressing pleasure
e. expressing gratitude

Soal #158831
Man: why you so sad?
Woman: my pet is lost, she has been missing for whole day
Man: you mean your kitty?
Woman: Yes

What makes the woman sad?

a. she lost her kitty
b. her kitty was dead
c. she could get a kitty
d. she did not have a pet animal
e. she was not allowed to get a kitty

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:


Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.