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Semua Soal Topik : Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9 / Soal no. 1 dari 25

Madani : Um, have you heard that our favorite teacher, Mr. Dahlan is awarded to be the best teacher?
Umang : ….
Madani : Yeah, here it is the article in the magazine. Read it yourself.
Umang : Wow, it’s great. Let’s congratulate him.
a. Do you think so?
b. Are you sure?
c. Did he tell you?
d. Do you trust on him?

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Tombol Caps Lock berfungsi untuk …

A. Kunci huruf besar

B. Gulungan layar kunci

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Istilah yang termasuk dalam bidang ekonomi, kecuali…

A. Inflasi

B. Rambat

C. Kliring

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