Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - Latihan Soal SD - Latihan Soal SMP - Latihan Soal SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

Sistem Pernafasan - IPA SMP Kelas 8 / Soal no. 1 dari 18

Selama bernapas biasa, manusia memasukkan dan mengeluarkan udara sekitar …. ml

A. 300

B. 500

C. 1500

D. 1100

Pilih jawaban kamu:

Latihan Soal SD Kelas 1Latihan Soal SD Kelas 2Latihan Soal SD Kelas 3Latihan Soal SD Kelas 4Latihan Soal SD Kelas 5Latihan Soal SD Kelas 6Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 7Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 8Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 9Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 10Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 11Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 12

Preview soal lainnya:

STS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 › Lihat soal

Complete the following dialogue
Wildan: It’s really boring Sunday. Everything feels so boring.
Gadget is boring, online game is boring, social media is boring and TV program is also boring. I want to do something else.
Oni: Hey, . . . . . . . . . . it will be fun.
Wildan: Yes, that’s a fun out door activity, let’s do that.

A. Let’s go to cinema

B. Let’s swim at the river

C. Let’s go to the mall

D. Let’s play chess

E. Let’s sleep early

Ujian Semester Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 › Lihat soal


How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

150 g tempe

1 tablespoon flour

1 egg

1 spoon Royco

1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

– Mash the tempe with a fork.

– Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg.

– Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.

– Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil, five or six at a time.

– Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with chili or sauce.

“Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper…” (last line)

The underlined word has the closest meaning to. . .

A. Flat

B. Plate

C. Dry

D. Getter

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:


Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.