Latihan Soal Online

PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7

Latihan 45 soal pilihan ganda PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Mother : Have you returned your laptop to your brother, Elsa?

Elsa : I am sorry mom, I haven’t returned it

Mother : It’s okay, But, you have to return it tomorrow, because he needs to do his thesis

Elsa : Okay, Mom

The underlined sentence means….her brother’s laptop

A. the mother forgot

B. Elsa bring his brother’s laptop

C. Elsa did’nt remember to return

D. The mother reminded


I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Iqbal.

The underline word has the same meaning as……
A. acquaint

B. deduce

C. contest

D. annoy


What is the meaning of “see you later” in Indonesia?

A. sampai jumpa lagi

B. maaf

C. bagaimana keadaanmu

D. selamat tinggal


Leo : Are you Dama?

Dama : Yes I am. And you?

Leo : ………

Dama : oh, How do you do?

Leo : How do you do

A. Your friend is Leo

B. Are you Leo?

C. I am Leo

D. You are Leo


The following expressions are kind of greetings, except……

A. hallo , Vanny

B. goodbye, Ardi

C. good morning everyone

D. good afternoon, Mom


Jenny and I want to watch a movie. …..are going to the cinema together

A. We

B. They

C. Our

D. Their


Kay : I’am sorry, I have to leave now. see you later

Toni : …………
A. I’am fine

B. See you

C. Let me introduce myself

D. have to go now


I have a doll. …..doll is a big as me

A. my

B. her

C. his

D. their


Stela : By the way, can I buy some souvenir in Banjarmasin?

Luna : Of course, ……………. some stores in Banjarmasin which offers traditional souvenirs
A. That is

B. Those are

C. There is

D. There are


What is the meaning of the word “great” in Indonesia?

A. memaafkan

B. menenangkan

C. memberi salam

D. memperkenalkan
