Latihan Soal Online

Pre Test Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6

Latihan 39 soal pilihan ganda Pre Test Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

I have …. every morning before going to school.

A. lunch

B. dinner

C. hungry

D. breakfast


the – cut – Don’t – tree

A. don’t cut the tree

B. cut don’t the tree

C. the tree cut don’t

D. cut tree the don’t


Look at the picture! It is . . .

A. Skateboard

B. Roller skate

C. Chess

D. Monopoly


The meaning of “taman kota” in English is . . .

A. City park

B. Forest

C. Lake

D. Beach


What sport do you like?

I like . . .
A. Riding

B. Hunting

C. Swimming

D. Gardening


They are swimming on the . . .

A. Beach

B. River

C. Mountain

D. Forest


Mr. sanjaya is my father. He is a farmer. He works in a ….

A. post office

B. rice field

C. school

D. hospital


Elma : “Where do you live?”

Okta : “…………………..”.
A. I’m fine thanks

B. sit down!

C. I live in Kediri

D. Thank you very much


Bela does not eat anything yet. Now she feels….

A. angry

B. hungry

C. thirsty

D. sad


She wants to make a line. She needs a ….

A. eraser

B. ruler

C. blackboard

D. vase
