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Semua Soal (Acak) : SD Kelas 2 / Seni Lukis - Seni Budaya Tema 7 SD Kelas 2

menggambar…berarti menggambar sesuai khayalan atau imajinasi seseorang

A. pengalaman

B. imajinatif

C. pantai

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #76190 : Teks Drama - Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas 11

Bacalah teks drama berikut!

Cindua Mato : Raja Mudo adik Bundo Kandung sendiri. Kalau terjadi pertengkaran lalu menimbulkan peperangan, siapa yang akan malu? perang saudara itu tidak akan pernah selesai turun-temurun.

Bundo Kandung: Aku sudah berada di balik semua. Jika kau takut, katakan saja. Perang bukan barang baru bagi kerajaan.

Cindua Mato: Mengapa Bundo Kandung sampai hati ingin mengacaukan perkawinan Putri Bungsu? Bukankah yang kawin itu anak Bundo Kandung juga? Jika perang dilaksanakan, kemudian salah seorang mati terbunuh,a pakah kita tega? Dan bagaimana kata ayahnya nanti, jika kedua anaknya saling berbunuhan? Aku ingin membuka sedikit selubung hati kita yang tertutup selama ini.

Watak tokoh Cindua Mato pada penggalan teks tersebut adalah …

A. pendendam dan emosional

B. emosional dan penyayang

C. penyayang dan sabar

D. sabar dan emosional

E. sabar dan bijaksana

Soal #30750 : Ujian Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10

My brother, sisters and I went to spend our holiday in Bali. Each of us should ride the car at least three hours. It was the last week of December 2008. We Left Solo on Saturday afternoon. We also didn’t forget to bring our camera. On Sunday morning we arrived in Gillimanuk. We dropped for one day at my uncle’s house. They had prepared breakfast when we arrived at his house. We had rice and “ayam betutu”; really it was very hot but delicious.

On Monday we went to Denpasar Firstly we visited “Sanur” Beach. As it was still early in the morning we could see the sunrise. We also prayed some moment on the sand then we looked for a hotel because we have no relative who stayed there.

On that day we also visited “Kuta” Beach, Garuda Wisnu Kencana” and also “Sukawati” Market. We had our lunch on the way when we felt hungry. At night we also enjoyed “Barong” Dance. Something that we never forgot was taking pictures at any tourist resort.

One the last day we visited “Sangeh”. Where we could see many monkey. Many of them are still wild and they sometimes bite visitor, from here we went straight to “Bedugul” lake, we went around it by a small boat to see some temples at the other side. Unfortunately, it was raining so hard that we all so wet. We changed our clothes there because we could also buy clothes at the shop near the lake. Really it was so wonderful that I promise I want to visit Bali again next time.

When did the trip happen?
a. Last week
b. Last week of December 2009
c. Last week of august 2008
d. Last week of December 2008
e. Every week

Soal #62675 : Tema 7 SD Kelas 6

Gerak tari diperagakan berdasarkan ruang, waktu, dan tenaga. Ciri khas gerak tari setiap daerah di Indonesia berbeda-beda.

Gerak tari terbagi atas dua macam, yaitu …
A. Gerak murni dan gerak maknawi

B. Gerak murni dan gerak Tari

C. Gerak maknawi dan gerak properti

D. Gerak iringan tari, dan gerak maknawi

Soal #106621 : Kerajinan - Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan SMA Kelas 11

Selama proses pengeringan, kita masih bisa dapat menghaluskan benda tanah liat dengan cara

A. Mengusapkan jari basah pada permukaan benda

B. Pembakaran

C. Pengamplasan

D. Dijemur dibawah matahari

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