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SD Kelas 2 / Seni Lukis - Seni Budaya Tema 7 SD Kelas 2

menggambar…berarti menggambar sesuai khayalan atau imajinasi seseorang

A. pengalaman

B. imajinatif

C. pantai

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Grammar › Lihat soal

They ______ (travel) in the USA ______ one month.

A. They have traveled in the USA for one month.
B. They have traveled in the USA since one month.
C. They has travel in the USA for one month.
D. They has travel in the USA since one month.

Ujian Nasional IPS SMP/MTs 2011/2012 › Lihat soal

Bentuk kerjasama Internasional yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan adalah ….

A. World Health Organization (WHO)

B. World Trade Organization (WTO)

C. Organization of Petrol Exporting Countris (OPEC)

D. Asia Pasific Economic Corporation (APEC)

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