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SD Kelas 3 / Persiapan PTS Penjaskes PJOK SD Kelas 3

Berdiri tegak kedua tangan terlentang. Tekuk kaki kanan kedepan. Gerakan tersebut merupakan gerakan menirukan…

A. Kapal Terbang

B. Burung Bangau

C. Lompat Katak

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Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap (UTS / MID) IPA SD / MI Kelas 6 › Lihat soal

Hewan yang dapat menyebabkan pelapukan pada kayu adalah ….
a. Kucing
b. Ayam
c. Rayap
d. Nyamuk

Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 Semester Genap › Lihat soal

Anna: Hello Anna, will you come to Rita’s house tonight?

Boy: I am afraid I can’t.

Anna: Why? Do you wanna go with your boyfriend?

Boy: No, my father is sick. I have to make sure that somebody can take care of him

before I go.

Anna: I am so sorry to hear that and ___

Boy: Thank for your hope.

Anna: You’re welcome Anna.

A. I hope your father gets better as soon as possible

B. I hope your father will gets better soon

C. I hope your father will got better soon

D. I hope your father got better as soon as possible

E. I hope your father get better as soon as possible

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