Dear Lia,
I Have a boyfriend. He is my senior at school. He is religious, smart and wise.
Most girls at school like him very much. I feel so lucky that I have him. The problem is that my Mom doesn’t like him because he has a dark complexion. I think religion is more important than anything else. I’m so confuse. As a good daughter I must obey my mother. But I don’t want to loose a good boy like him. What should I do to convince my mother?
The Writer has a problem with ……
A. Lia
B. Her friend
C. Her boyfriend
D. Her mother

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
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Santi: ………., Sir. May I wash my hands?
Tino: Sure
A. Excuse me
B. Attention please
C. Look at me please
D. Hey!
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Gambar di atas adalah tempat ibadah umat….
A. slam
B. Buddha
C. Konghucu
D. Hindu
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