Aku adalah sebuah bilangan yang jika ditambah -4 dikali -5 ditambah -8 hasilnya adalah 38. Maka berapakah aku?
caranya…. (bonus nih karna buguru baik)
aku + ( -4 ) x ( -5 ) – ( -8 ) = 38
aku + 20 + 8 = 38
aku + 28 = 38
aku = …….. ?
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #68628 : PTS Bahasa Arab Semester 2 Genap MI Kelas 5A. أ
B. ب
C. ج
D. د
› Soal #96187 : PH Tema 8 SD Kelas 4
Anak panah yang dilepaskan dari busurnya termasuk contoh gaya ….
A. magnet
B. grafitasi
C. pegas
D. magnet
› Soal #30749 : Ujian Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10My brother, sisters and I went to spend our holiday in Bali. Each of us should ride the car at least three hours. It was the last week of December 2008. We Left Solo on Saturday afternoon. We also didn’t forget to bring our camera. On Sunday morning we arrived in Gillimanuk. We dropped for one day at my uncle’s house. They had prepared breakfast when we arrived at his house. We had rice and “ayam betutu”; really it was very hot but delicious.
On Monday we went to Denpasar Firstly we visited “Sanur” Beach. As it was still early in the morning we could see the sunrise. We also prayed some moment on the sand then we looked for a hotel because we have no relative who stayed there.
On that day we also visited “Kuta” Beach, Garuda Wisnu Kencana” and also “Sukawati” Market. We had our lunch on the way when we felt hungry. At night we also enjoyed “Barong” Dance. Something that we never forgot was taking pictures at any tourist resort.
One the last day we visited “Sangeh”. Where we could see many monkey. Many of them are still wild and they sometimes bite visitor, from here we went straight to “Bedugul” lake, we went around it by a small boat to see some temples at the other side. Unfortunately, it was raining so hard that we all so wet. We changed our clothes there because we could also buy clothes at the shop near the lake. Really it was so wonderful that I promise I want to visit Bali again next time.
The communicative purpose of the text above is….
a. to tell the readers about writer’s holiday in Bali
b. to inform the readers where Bali is
c. to discuss the writer’s holiday
d. to amuse the readers by telling the trip to Bali
e. to explain the readers in detail about the holiday
› Soal #85401 : Pilihan Ganda Pengetahuan Umum
Ibukota Negara Korea Selatan
A. Busan
B. Seoul
C. Pyongyang
D. Sejong
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- Kondisi Wilayah Indonesia - IPS SMP Kelas 7
- Persiapan PTS Prakarya SMP Kelas 7
- Bahasa Jawa SD Kelas 5 KD 3.1
- Bola Voli - Penjaskes PJOK SMA Kelas 11
- Persiapan PTS PAI SMP Kelas 8
- UTS TIK SMP Kelas 7
- Ulangan Harian IPA SD Kelas 4
- Kuis PPKn SD Kelas 4
- PTS Pengelolaan BKP SMK Kelas 11
- Persiapan PTS Kimia SMA Kelas 11