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Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SD Kelas 4 / Bahasa Indonesia Tema 6 Subtema 2 SD Kelas 4

Arti tanda “/” dalam pemenggalan kalimat puisi adalah …

A. berhenti sebentar

B. berhenti agak lama

C. berhenti lama

D. berhenti lama sekali

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12

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Soal #14419 : Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTs Kelas 8

Last holiday I went to Paris. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter
taught me a few words of French. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not
understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I
did not send any cards to my friends.
On the last day I made a big decision, I got up early and bought thirty seven cards. I spent the
whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!
Whom did the writer meet in Paris?
a. Friendly waiter
b. His friends
c. Postman
d. Mother

Soal #73713 : IPA SD Kelas 3

Lingkungan berikut yang memiliki udara yang segar adalah …

A. Hutan hijau

B. Lautan

C. Kota

D. Jalan raya

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