Latihan Soal Online

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SMP Kelas 8 / Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

To: Olivia

Happy Graduation!

Your journey begins now.

From: Issabella


The purpose of the text above is…

A. to persuade someone

B. to entertain someone

C. to congratulate someone

D. to invite someone

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Linking Verb › Lihat soal

He looked up the term in the French dictionary.

  1. action verb
  2. linking verb

Penilaian Akhir Tahun Sosiologi SMA Kelas 11 › Lihat soal

Rasisme bermakna anti terhadap ras lain atau ras tertentu diluar ras sendiri….

A. stereotip

B. rasisme

C. prasangka

D. stereotipe

E. diskriminasi

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