Semua Soal (Acak) : SMP Kelas 7 / IPS Bab 2 Interaksi Sosial dan Lembaga Sosial SMP Kelas 7
Panduan, tatanan, dan pengendali tingkah laku yangsesuai dengna harapan masyarakat disebut ….
A. nilai
B. norma
C. adat
D. budaya

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› Soal #48579 : Procedure Text - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9Tikka Kebab
Cubes of lamb
Squares of green pepper
Tikka seasoning mixture
1. Cut onions into quarters.
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them
in Tikka seasoning.
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with salad (curry like seasoning from India)
What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?
A. Cubes of lamb and onions.
B. Onion, bamboo skewers, and salad.
C. Squares of green pepper and onions.
D. Cubes of lambs, onions, and squares of green pepper.
› Soal #80956 : Bahasa Mandarin SD
A. Kecil
B. Saya
C. Kamu
D. Besar
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