Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

SD Kelas 1 / PTS Bahasa Arab MI Kelas 1

حَاضِرَۃٌ artinya adalah …

A. hadir (laki-laki)

B. hadir (perempuan)

C. tidak hadir (perempuan)

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Grammar › Lihat soal

Choose the correct sentence.

A. Jane states “Why can’t I go to the store, Joe?”
B. We brung lots of accessories with us on the trip (toilet paper, money, ect.).
C. The eerie storm was on its way; however, the clouds sure looked dazzling.
D. The domino affect sure had us puzzled.

Pronoun › Lihat soal

“Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?”
“He obviously likes ___ !”
a. her
b. him
c. she

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