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Semua Soal (Acak) : SMA Kelas 11 / PTS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11

Sifa: “What do you think about Lampung?”

Lisa: “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches there. Lampung is also famous with its tapis or songket. It is traditional cloth in Lampung.”

Sifa: “How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?”

Lisa: “I think…. Yes! Do you know seruit? It’s delicious.”

Sifa: “Yes I know seruit. By the way…. Which one is more delicious? Seruit or sate of mushroom?”

Lisa: “According to me, seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.”

Sifa: “I don’t think so. I think saste of mushroom is more delicious than seruit because sate of mushroom is my favorite food.”

Lisa: “So we have different favorite foods then.”

Sifa: “I think so.”

“In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city.”

The sentence above is included into the expression of ….

A. asking opinion

B. giving opinion

C. agreement

D. disagreement

E. neutral position

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12

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Soal #143972 : Geografi 1 SMA Kelas 11

Perhatikan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup berikut :

(1) Rehabilitasi dan reklamasi lahan kritis.

(2) Penghematan kertas dalam kegiatan di perkantoran

(3) Pemakaian kayu hutan untuk industri penggergajian kayu

(4) Ekspor kayu gelondongan untuk bahan baku mebel di Eropa.

Usaha penyelamatan lingkungan sebagai upaya pelestarian lingkungan ditunjukkan nomor ….

A. 1 dan 2

B. 1 dan 3

C. 2 dan 3

D. 3 dan 4

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A. Kebiasaan

B. Adat istiadat

C. Normalisasi

D. Sosialisasi

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Organel sel yang ditunjukkan oleh angka 3 adalah….

A. vakuola

B. mitokondria

C. kloropas

D. sitoplasma

Soal #69046 : Sirah Nabawi - SKI MTS Kelas 7

Salah satu paman Rasulullah Saw. yang selalu mendukung perjuangan Rasulullah Saw. dalam menyebarkan agama islam meskipun ia tidak mau masuk Islam yaitu…

A. Abu Thalib

B. Abu Lahab

C. Abu Jahal

D. Abu Bakar

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