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Semua Soal (Acak) : SMP Kelas 7 / Verb Be PTS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7

You ……… nine now.

A. am

B. is

C. are

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #5147 : English Random #2

Which is CORRECT?

A: Italy is famous for it’s good food, fancy clothes and fast cars.
B: Pasta is cheap, nutritious and easy to prepare.
C: The more famous people in the world wear Italian clothes.
D: Everybody’s heard of ferrari, the fastest car in the world.
E: Italian is expert at enjoying life.

Soal #40569 : Should - Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10

“Anna is late again. She should have arrived by now”.

the social function of should have in the sentence above is …

A. To give advice, a recommendation or a suggestion

B. To express that a situation is likely in the present or in the future. This is a type of expectation or prediction.

C. Expresses an obligation that is not as strong as Must.

D. Something was expected in the past but it didn’t happen

E. Not fulfilling an obligation

Soal #34164 : PKn SMA Sederajat

Kekayaan wilayah adalah modal dan milik bersama bangsa dan keperluan hidup sehari hari harus tersedian merata termasuk dalam …

A. Hakekat satu kesatuan social budaya

B. Hakekat satu kesatuan Hankam

C. Kakekat satu kesatuan ekonomi.

D. Hakekat satu kesatuan politik

Soal #143018 : UTS Kimia SMA Kelas 10 Semester Ganjil

Jumlah maksimum electron yang dapat berada pada subkulit 4p adalah…

A. 6

B. 10

C. 14

D. 18

E. 32

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