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Semua Soal (Acak) : Bahasa Inggris SMP MTs

My mother … breakfast and … the house every morning.

A. cooks / cleans

B. cook / cleans

C. cook / clean

D. cook / cleans

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #24430 : Vocabulary

The physician stated that he has the ability to exhibit several different personalities.

Physician means:

A. Someone who works in law enforcement
B. Someone who practices medicine
C. Someone who doesn’t do anything
D. All of the above

Soal #18779 : Some vs. Any

When we were on holiday we visited … … very interesting places.
a. some

b. any

Soal #41988 : PTS Seni Budaya SMP Kelas 8

Di bawah ini termasuk alat dan bahan untuk menggambar model kecuali …

A. buku gambar

B. kursi

C. crayon

D. pensil

Soal #21029 : Grammar

Ann is so friendly that she has introduced herself to almost everyone in her class.

A. True
B. False

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