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Semua Soal (Acak) : SMA Kelas 11 / Biologi SMA Kelas 11

Pada otak besar, terdapat area visual primer yang berfungsi menerima impuls…
A. Sentuhan
B. Cahaya
C. Suara
D. Suhu
E. Bau

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #15523 : Ujian Semester 2 (UAS / UKK) Sosiologi SMA Kelas 11

Di bawah ini yang termasuk dalam bentuk kelompok formal adalah ….
a. Klik
b. Keluarga
c. Peer group
d. Sahabat
e. Partai politik

Soal #114826 : Kuis Bahasa Indonesia SD Kelas 2

Memandang alam yang indah

Sawah hijau terbentang luas

sungai mengalir jernih

sangat gembira hatiku mellihat pemandangan ini.

judul yang sesuai untuk puisi tersebut adalah…

A. alamku yang rusak

B. suasana siang

C. alamku indah

Soal #14721 : Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

One day a mouse was playing in the forest and lion caught it and said,” I shall eat you up.””Don’t eat me up” said the mouse. “Someday I will help you” “Oh how? laughed the lion. How can you help me? I am very large lion and you are a very small mouse. ” But the lion was not hungry and he didn’t eat the mouse.

The next day a hunter came and put a large net in the forest to catch the lion. That night the lion walked in the forest and was caught in the net.” I can’t get a way!;’ he said.” I am caught in the net, Help! Help!”

The mouse came and saw the lion in the net”! will save you;’ he bit the net a hundred time, and the lion got away. The lion said, “Thank you, mouse. I am large and you are small brown mouse, but you have helped me”

“You didn’t eat me yesterday, and I have saved you from the hunter today”, said the mouse. They laughed and went away together in the forest.

The moral lesson of the text is …
A. The bigger is the stronger.
B. The smaller is the stronger.
C. The big always becomes strong.
D. The bigger isn’t always the stronger.
E. A mouse is always cleverer than a lion.

Soal #69652 : PPKn Bab 6 SMA Kelas 11

Mewujudkan nasionalisme yang tinggi di segala aspek kehidupan rakyat Indonesia yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan nasional daripada kepentingan individu, kelompok golongan, suku bangsa atau daerah adalah…

A. arah wawasan nusatara

B. tujuan wawasan nusantara

C. kedudukan wawasan nusantara

D. fungsi wawasan nusanatar

E. isi wawasan nusantara

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