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The third year students went on a trip to Bnadung, ….?
a. don’t they
b. didn’t they
c. did they
d. do they

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Bahasa Jepang SMA Kelas 10 Semester 1 › Lihat soal


Tanggal berapakah ulang tahun Tanaka-san?

A. 7 September

B. 7 Juli

C. 30 April

D. 30 September

Vocabulary › Lihat soal

Which sentence does NOT use “innovative” correctly?

A. He received a famous prize for his innovative scientific theories.
B. Our company will have to be innovative in order to compete in this ever-changing world.
C. Her ideas are so innovative. Everything she suggests has already been done a million times.
D. I appreciate your innovative ideas. Now let’s decide which new project we should do first.

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