A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked it up, took it home and locked after it lovingly, event tough his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the creature.
After some time, the wing mended and, because the bird did not want the farmer to have kept on arguing with his wife all the time, it decided to go back to its nest.
When the farmer discovered that the bird was gone, he was so upset that he went out to look for it. Eventually, he found it again, and was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As a sign of their thanks for his care and attention, the birds gave him a little box, and told him not to open it until he got home.
To his surprise, the farmer found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw them, she decided that she too deserved a reward, and see went to see the birds. The birds gave her a little casket; but this one was full of devils. The devils jumped on her as soon as she opened the casket and the chased her away.
Left alone, the farmer went to live near his friend, the bird. There he built a hut of perfumed wood; and the birds decorated it with flowers of every kind.
Which of the following statements do you agree with?
a. The farmer chased his wife away.
b. The farmer lived happily with his wife.
c. The farmer’s wife took care of the bird.
d. The bird was very thankful to the farmer.
e. The farmer’s wife was a very kind woman.

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
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