Please _____________ here, I need to talk to you.
A. Come
B. Go

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› Soal #19508 : AdjectiveThe movie gave me ___ jitters.
a. angry
b. nervous
› Soal #29363 : Ujian Tengah Semester 2 MID UTS PAI SD MI Kelas 4
Terhindar dari pemborosan dan kemubaziran adalah manfaat dari sikap hidup ….
a. hemat
b. mewah
c. boros
d. berlebihan
Pandhawa iku cacahe ana lima, mula terus diarani Pandhawa lima. Yudhistira minangka pambarepe Pandhawa, kang duwe watak ambek darma lan nrima ing pandum, adoh saka hawa nefsu. Sing nomer loro arane Raden Werkudara utawa Bima. Pawakane gedhe dhuwur tur gagah prakosa. Kang nomer telu utawa panengahe Pandhawa jenenge Raden Janaka kondhang baguse, prigel lan trampil manah. Dene Nakula lan Sadewa mujudage satriya kembar wuragile Pandhawa.
Satriya sing pinter manah, baguse sing kondhang lan prigel kuwi nduweni paring asma ….
A. Janaka
B. Bima
C. Yudistira
D. Sadewa
› Soal #86564 : Persiapan UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12
Arya : What a nice house you have here
Dewi : Thank you. My father designed this
Arya : Really? Wow ! your father is awesome!
Dewi : …..
A. My Father can also design your house
B. It is the nicest house in town indeed
C. Thanks. Yours is even nicer
D. You’re particularly welcome
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