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Semua Soal (Acak) : Grammar

SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT: Choose the right form of the verb.
The chairman, along with his two assistants, ____________ to attend the annual convention.


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A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #65687 : Sholat Tarawih dan Tadarus - PAI SD Kelas 5

Peristiwa “turunnya Al-Qur’an” terjadi pada tanggal … .

A. 16 Ramadhan

B. 17 Ramadhan

C. 18 Ramadhan

D. 19 Ramadhan

Soal #56290 : PAS PAI SMA Kelas 11

Tokoh pada masa kejayaan Islam yang menuliskan buku berjudul Ihya ‘Ulum ad-Din adalah…
A. Ibnu Rusyd (520-595 H)
B. Al-Kindi (805-873 H)
C. AL-Farabi (872-950 H)
D. Ibnu Sina (980-1037 H)
E. Al-Ghazali (450-505 H)

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