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Semua Soal (Acak) : Imperative Sentence

… to bed on a full stomach. It can cause acid reflux.

  1. Don’t go
  2. Go

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Soal #9529 : Ujian Semester 1 Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) SD / MI Kelas 5

Bangunan khas suatu daerah dinamakan ….
a. Gubuk adat
b. Rumah singgah
c. Gedong Warisan
d. Rumah Adat

Soal #73155 : TPM Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes.

British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945. Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There were black smoke billowing high into the air everywhere. The British Army began to attack so fierce. The greatest battle happened in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South Bandung, where there were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.

The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia was not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident inspired to create the famous song “Halo, Halo Bandung”.

What happened in Bandung inspired the creation of …

A. The popular song, “Halo,Halo Bandung”

B. The famous village, Dayeuh Kolot

C. The celebration of Hero Day

D. The movie entitled Bandung, Sea of Fire

Soal #17128 : Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (UTS / MID) Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 1

5 That number is ….
a. five
b. six
c. seven

Soal #53007 : Ulangan Matematika SD Kelas 3

… + … = 7.500

A. 7.000 + 50

B. 7.000 + 507.

C. 7.000 + 500

D. 7.000 + 5

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