Pita suara pada umumnya terdapat di bagian saluran pernapasan yang disebut …
A. Laring
B. Faring
C. Bronkiolus
D. Trakea

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #108780 : Kuis Sejarah SMA Kelas 12 KD 3.1Pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh RMS mendapat dukungan dari Belanda. Fakta yang mendukung pernyataan di atas adalah….
A. Ratu Belanda siangkat sebagai penasehat RMS
B. Belanda mempersenjatai seluruh pasukan RMS
C. RMS mempunyai kantor yang berkdudukan di Den Hag
D. RMS dibentuk langsung oleh ratu Belanda agar tetap mempertahankan wilayah Indonesia Timur
E. Somoukil ditunjuk secara langsung sebagai pengganti Manuhutu sebagai presiden RIS
› Soal #30692 : Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap MID UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10
Holiday in Jakarta
Last holiday, I went to my brother’s home in Jakarta. I went to Jakarta with my father. We went to Jakarta city by the train. Jakarta it was very interesting, but the atmosphere was too hot for me.
A few days later, my brother and I went to the zoo in Jakarta. We went to be zoo by taxi. The zoo was very crowded. There were many traders. After bought the ticket, we went to see the animal in the zoo.
First, I saw many pelican birds. They were very hungry, so the zoo keeper fed the bird. Then I saw many deer eaten many hay. In the same cage, I saw ostrich. It was very big. It couldn’t fly but could run very fast. Its stomach was very big too. After that, we went to take the boat which was pictured with the image of goose.
Before went back home, we bought some drink and food. We rested in a restroom. I was very happy it this holiday. I hoped the next holiday would be good too.
What kind of the text is that?
a. Narrative text
b. Recount text
c. Discussion text
d. Hortatory exposition
e. Analytical exposition
Nama lain pembuluh arteri adalah . . . .
A. pembuluh kapiler
B. pembuluh nadi
C. pembuluh darah
D. pembuluh vena
› Soal #26254 : Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap MID UTS SMP MTs IPS Kelas 7
Unsur peta yang digunakan untuk menentukan arah pada peta disebut ….
A. Legenda
B. Skala
C. Simbol
D. Orientasi
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- Sistem Gerak - Biologi SMA Kelas 11
- Bahasa Arab MTs Kelas 9
- PKn Bab 3 SMP Kelas 8
- Antropolgi SMA Kelas 12
- Etnografi - Antropologi SMA Kelas 11
- Akidah Akhlak MTs Kelas 9
- Dasar-Dasar Program Keahlian - TKJ TIK SMK Kelas 10
- Sel Penyusun Makhluk Hidup - Biologi SMA Kelas 12
- Geografi SMA Kelas 12 IPS
- Hubungan Antar Makhluk - IPA Tema 5 Subtema 2 SD Kelas 5