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SMA Kelas 12 / UH SKI Bab 1 SMA Kelas 12

Siapakah nama orientalis yang mempopulerkan teori masuknya Islam ke Indonesia melalui Gujarat…

A. Snouk Hurgronje

B. Hamzah Fansuri

C. Buya Hamka

D. I-Tsing

E. TW. Arnold

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Grammar › Lihat soal

Bandung is my favorite city. It is the capital city of West Java. I can buy anything in Bandung. Delicious food, nice clothes and shoes are available here.

I always visit Cibaduyut anytime I go to Bandung. I always buy shoes there. If I feel hungry, I always go to Sukajadi to buy a delicious food such as surabi.

Bandung is also well known as Factory Outlet city. We can get great clothes with low prices there.

Why does the writer like Bandung? Because ….

A. The writer can buy a pair of shoes in Sukajadi
B. The writer can buy surabi in Cibaduyut
C. Bandung offers delicious food
D. It is the writers home town

Past Continuous Tense › Lihat soal

At 7 this morning he … breakfast with his kids.

  1. was eating
  2. is eating

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